Comparison of R-Truth & Carmella’s Dance with Orange Cassidy by Road Dogg

Comparison of R-Truth & Carmella’s Dance with Orange Cassidy by Road Dogg
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On a recent edition of his “Oh … You Didn’t Know?” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Road Dogg discussed the Dance Break segments featuring R-Truth and Carmella in WWE and compared them to Orange Cassidy in AEW.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On R-Truth and Carmella doing their dance break segments: “I love the dance break, I love Ronnie ‘The Truth’ Killings, and I loved Carmella with him. When they would just stop, ‘Dance break,’ how stupid was that? Then they just go back into the match, to me it is [so good].”

On how it’s no different than Orange Cassidy: “If you don’t like it, you’re willing to buy Orange Cassidy but you’re not willing to buy that? You’re willing to suspend disbelief so far with these characters of today, but these characters are too far.”

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In a recent episode of his podcast, “Oh … You Didn’t Know?”, WWE Hall of Famer Road Dogg discussed the Dance Break segments featuring R-Truth and Carmella in WWE and compared them to Orange Cassidy in AEW. Road Dogg expressed his love for the dance break segments and praised R-Truth and Carmella for their performances. He found the concept of the dance break to be entertaining and enjoyable, despite its silliness.

Road Dogg also made a comparison between the dance break segments and the character of Orange Cassidy in AEW. He pointed out that fans who enjoy Orange Cassidy’s character, which involves minimal effort and nonchalant behavior, should also appreciate the dance break segments. Road Dogg highlighted the willingness of fans to suspend disbelief for characters like Orange Cassidy but questioned why they couldn’t do the same for R-Truth and Carmella’s dance break.

The dance break segments were a recurring feature in WWE, where R-Truth and Carmella would interrupt matches with a spontaneous dance routine. The segments were meant to provide comedic relief and entertain the audience. Despite their simplicity and lightheartedness, the dance breaks became popular among fans and added a unique element to WWE programming.

Orange Cassidy, on the other hand, is a character in AEW known for his laid-back attitude and lack of enthusiasm. He often wrestles with his hands in his pockets and performs moves with minimal effort. Despite his unconventional style, Orange Cassidy has gained a significant following and has become a fan favorite.

Road Dogg’s comparison between the dance break segments and Orange Cassidy highlights the subjective nature of entertainment in professional wrestling. Different characters and segments appeal to different fans, and what one person may find entertaining, another may not. The success of characters like R-Truth, Carmella, and Orange Cassidy demonstrates the diversity of wrestling fans’ preferences.

In conclusion, Road Dogg’s discussion on his podcast shed light on the dance break segments featuring R-Truth and Carmella in WWE and compared them to Orange Cassidy in AEW. While some fans may find these segments and characters entertaining, others may not appreciate their silliness. However, the popularity of these segments and characters among certain fan bases showcases the diverse range of preferences in professional wrestling.