Comparison between Cody Rhodes and Hollywood Hogan: Analyzing their similarities to ‘Final Boss’ The Rock

Comparison between Cody Rhodes and Hollywood Hogan: Analyzing their similarities to ‘Final Boss’ The Rock
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In a recent interview with ESPN, Cody Rhodes discussed working with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on the Road to WrestleMania 40 and compared the latter’s ‘Final Boss’ character to Hollywood Hogan.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his entrance and fans chanting along with his theme music: “I feel like it’s a shot of adrenaline like straight to the heart. With the schedule we have and how we’re going sometimes, you might be on a low, that moment the pyro, the music, and then the collective energy, because that’s the biggest thing about pro wrestling and sports entertainment, can you touch them? And for them [the fans] to do that for me, they’ve made that song — I’ve had that song everywhere I went. Now we have this thing where we ‘whoa’ together, I love it.”

On the return of The Rock to WWE: “I think it’s different than everyone anticipated. The Rock is a Mount Rushmore pro wrestler-sports entertainer. If you ask anybody ‘Who is your Mount Rushmore?’ The Rock is on it. However, he came back thinking, ‘I’ll just step into the main event with Roman Reigns, me and my cousin, do this family thing,’ and I was so blessed that the fans did not want that. They wanted me to finish the story at WrestleMania 40 kicking back from WrestleMania 39. Because of that, the byproduct is the Final Boss Rock. The Final Boss, the only comparison I can make, in terms of watching him from the outside looking in, feels very Hollywood Hulk Hogan. It’s a whole other layer. I don’t want to say all kind positive things about The Rock, but I can tell you, that’s the staying power. Like you turn this and make it into something incredibly unique and very special.”

In a recent interview with ESPN, Cody Rhodes opened up about his experience working with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson on the Road to WrestleMania 40. Rhodes compared The Rock’s character to that of Hollywood Hogan and discussed the impact of his entrance and the fans’ reaction to his theme music.

Rhodes expressed his excitement about the fans chanting along with his theme music during his entrance. He described it as a shot of adrenaline straight to the heart. Given the demanding schedule of professional wrestling, Rhodes acknowledged that there are times when he may feel low, but the collective energy from the fans chanting along with his music lifts him up. He emphasized the importance of connecting with the audience in pro wrestling and sports entertainment, and the fans’ participation in chanting along with his theme song has made it a memorable experience for him.

When asked about The Rock’s return to WWE, Rhodes shared his thoughts on how it differed from what people expected. He acknowledged The Rock’s status as a legendary figure in the industry, often referred to as a Mount Rushmore pro wrestler-sports entertainer. However, The Rock initially planned to step into the main event alongside Roman Reigns, his cousin, and continue the family storyline. To Rhodes’ surprise, the fans did not want that. They wanted him to finish the story that began at WrestleMania 39 and continue it into WrestleMania 40.

As a result of the fans’ desire for Rhodes to be involved in the main event, The Rock’s character took on a new persona known as the Final Boss. Rhodes drew a comparison between The Rock’s Final Boss character and Hollywood Hogan, highlighting the additional layer of complexity and intrigue it brings to the storyline. He praised The Rock’s ability to turn this unexpected turn of events into something unique and special.

The interview provided insight into Rhodes’ appreciation for the fans’ support and their impact on his performance. It also shed light on the unexpected direction The Rock’s character took, showcasing his adaptability and creativity in response to the fans’ desires.

Overall, the interview with Cody Rhodes offered a glimpse into the behind-the-scenes workings of professional wrestling and the dynamic relationship between wrestlers and their fans. It highlighted the importance of fan engagement and how it can shape the direction of storylines and characters in the world of sports entertainment.