Cody Rhodes Reveals Absence of Pain Medication Prior to His 2022 Hell In A Cell Encounter.

Cody Rhodes Reveals Absence of Pain Medication Prior to His 2022 Hell In A Cell Encounter.
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Cody Rhodes, an acclaimed wrestler, has strongly refuted claims suggesting that he used medication to power through his 2022 WWE Hell in the Cell match with Seth Rollins. The rumours emerged in the wake of Rhodes taking part in the high-stakes match even as he grappled with the aftermath of a torn pectoral muscle, causing considerable bruising to develop on his chest area.

During his recent conversation on the highly-rated “Major Wrestling Figure Podcast”, Rhodes rebutted the accusations about him resorting to the usage of painkillers. He clarified,

“I get quite irked when I see online assertions that I resorted to some kind of medication. The real, undeniable fact is that I was expecting maybe some extra strength cream, looking for an alleviating solution. However, when I turned to Larry in our training room for some anti-inflammatory relief, all I got were two baby aspirins, which I was still grateful for.”

Further elaborating on his experience during the match, he added, “In the initial phase of the match, I felt a wave of nausea overwhelming me. It’s a sensation akin to taking a hard punch to the nose or a high fall when your body is totally unprepared. I predicted it would soon be over and dreaded the embarrassment of vomiting in front of an audience. But, fortunately, I found my second wind and near the end, I felt a surge of energy as if I could easily bench 315. But not too long after, the intense pain reared its head again.”

Rhodes emerged victorious against Rollins in the match. He subsequently underwent necessary surgery and was away from the wrestling scene for eight months. His much-anticipated return came at the 2023 Royal Rumble pay-per-view event.

Watch more details about this in Cody Rhodes’ interview below:
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