Cody Rhodes On Losing To Roman Reigns At WrestleMania 39

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During a recent interview with, Cody Rhodes discussed his main event title loss to Roman Reigns at WrestleMania 39 (Night Two) and addressed the notion that he hasn’t faced enough adversity in WWE.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:


Cody Rhodes on his loss at WrestleMania: “Reacting to losing at WrestleMania, here we are, the most profitable WrestleMania of all time, the most important show ever involved, this collective thing that fans love, and to be able to be in the main event. So many people looked at it and tried to sell me that that was a win in itself and it’s not how I feel. A win, not to be redundant, is a win and a loss is a loss. I haven’t gone on TV talking about the nature of how I lost because I think it’s whining and I think everybody saw it. We saw it, we lived it, we breathed it.”

On the notion he hasn’t faced enough adversity: “I think Mr. [Paul] Heyman lives on the wild side in a sense when you hear things like ‘earn it,’ ‘(he) hasn’t had enough adversity,’ I can’t wait until my documentary comes out. It’s very ironic in terms of juxtaposing the documentary and the amount of adversity in it, some people may not know about, particularly getting back to WWE, and then Mr. Heyman’s comments.”

Cody on his current goal: “The goal is the same, (which) is the best way to put it. The goal is the same for me as a sports entertainer, as a wrestler, I came here wanting one thing. It doesn’t mean other stories won’t happen that will also be finished and it doesn’t mean there aren’t other milestones — we’re talking about good things like video game covers, things like that today — but the important thing to me is still the championship on Roman’s shoulders and it’s the biggest match that WWE could do, but it would take a great deal of mountains to be moved for that rematch to even happen. The goal is the same for me, I just have to see it through and do the work.”

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