Cody Rhodes happily accepts the onus of becoming the fresh symbol of WWE.

Cody Rhodes happily accepts the onus of becoming the fresh symbol of WWE.
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Cody Rhodes is preparing for an exciting defense of his Undisputed WWE Championship against AJ Styles, in an I Quit match at the anticipated WWE Clash at the Castle 2024 event.

In a discussion on WHAS11, Rhodes shared some insights into his journey of becoming the poster boy for WWE.

He reminisced on his journey, stipulating, “I walked into WWE at the tender age of 20. At that age, your mind is full of dreams and ambitions, and mine was to be the face of the company. By 25, I was more certain than ever that it was destined to be me. As I gained understanding and maturity in the domains of sports entertainment and professional wrestling, that awaited moment of recognition finally came. While it was certainly rewarding, it was also somewhat overwhelming. But I was ready to take on the responsibility and I’ve relished every moment since, particularly as WWE embarks on a new era under new leadership. Being an integral part of this evolution has been deeply satisfying,” expressed Rhodes.