Cody Rhodes Announces Signing of New Multi-Year Deal with WWE

Cody Rhodes Announces Signing of New Multi-Year Deal with WWE
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In a recent interview with Justin Walker, Cody Rhodes confirmed that he signed a new multi-year contract extension with WWE. The deal will keep him around for the next two years.

Rhodes said, “I can tell you 40 is out of the question [for retirement] just because, not to give you scoop, it was widely reported, but I did sign a new contract with WWE. It extends beyond my 40th birthday. The plan is still, when it’s time to step out, to step out without it being a painful process. Solely because I saw my dad [Dusty Rhodes] as an old man wrestler and he loved it and enjoyed it, but as his son it was hard to see. My daughter is two going on three, there does have to be a time, just like he was with us, where I have to be home all the time and be there with her. It’s not 40 anymore. I’ll update the number. I hit the prime run late in the game. I often forget that I’m nearing 40.“

Cody Rhodes, a professional wrestler and former WWE superstar, recently announced that he has signed a new multi-year contract extension with WWE. This news comes as a surprise to many fans who were speculating about his future in the wrestling industry.

In an interview with Justin Walker, Rhodes revealed that his new contract will keep him with WWE for the next two years. This means that fans can expect to see him in action for the foreseeable future.

One of the most interesting aspects of this announcement is Rhodes’ age. At 40 years old, many wrestlers start to consider retirement or transitioning into other roles within the industry. However, Rhodes made it clear that he has no plans to retire anytime soon.

He stated, “I can tell you 40 is out of the question [for retirement] just because, not to give you scoop, it was widely reported, but I did sign a new contract with WWE. It extends beyond my 40th birthday.”

Rhodes went on to explain that he wants to avoid the painful process of retiring and wants to follow in the footsteps of his late father, Dusty Rhodes. Dusty was a beloved figure in the wrestling world and continued to wrestle well into his later years. However, as his son, Cody found it difficult to see his father in that state.

Now, with a young daughter of his own, Rhodes realizes the importance of being present in her life. He acknowledges that there will come a time when he needs to step away from wrestling and focus on his family.

“It’s not 40 anymore. I’ll update the number. I hit the prime run late in the game. I often forget that I’m nearing 40,” Rhodes admitted.

This statement suggests that Rhodes still feels physically fit and capable of performing at a high level in the ring. It also indicates that he may have plans to continue wrestling beyond his current contract.

Rhodes’ decision to re-sign with WWE is significant for the company as well. He is a popular figure among fans and has proven himself to be a talented performer both in and out of the ring. His presence adds value to WWE’s roster and helps to attract viewership.

Overall, Cody Rhodes’ contract extension with WWE is exciting news for wrestling fans. It means that they will continue to see him in action for at least the next two years. While retirement may be on the horizon, Rhodes is determined to make the most of his remaining time in the ring and leave on his own terms.