The starting installment for the WrestleMania 41 season is set to be premiered by WWE on a Netflix episode of RAW, followed by the Royal Rumble 2025. These will lay the foundation for narratives for the year’s grandest wrestling pay-per-view show.
The wrestling body has undoubtedly included CM Punk in their strategies with the intention of featuring him in a spotlight match during WrestleMania 41.
The ongoing battle between Punk and Seth Rollins is poised to be the attraction for the RAW episode scheduled to stream on Netflix on January 6th.
As some fans may remember, the face-off for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship position, which was to be contested by Punk and Rollins, was originally arranged for WrestleMania 40. Unfortunately, this didn’t happen due to the Second City Saint’s unexpected departure owing to an injury.
There were whispers of WWE contemplating a World Heavyweight Title defense involving GUNTHER and Punk at the Survivor Series: WarGames 2024. However, this plan never came to fruition.
According to a recent WrestleVotes report, WWE is targeting a world championship match featuring Punk for WrestleMania 41.
The report organically states: “The buzz around Punk has been quite intense, particularly recently, with the ongoing Roman [Reigns] developments. But what has been a constant all year is WWE’s desire to involve him [Punk] in a World Title match. It’s unclear how all the elements will align, but their focus is set on him being at the apex. I’m doubtful it’s going to be with Cody [Rhodes], therefore that championship match is out of contention. Could he be a part of the other one? I would say it’s likely at present. I don’t foresee it being GUNTHER though, Bill [Apter]. Thus, if there’s an intention to associate him with the title, what plans are there for GUNTHER?