CM Punk Commends WWE’s Atmosphere – ‘The Environment Has Shifted’

CM Punk Commends WWE’s Atmosphere – ‘The Environment Has Shifted’
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In the aftermath of Saturday’s WWE’s Clash at the Castle event held in Scotland, wrestling star CM Punk offered some insight on how he sees WWE’s culture evolving since his exit back in 2014.

Punk, who made a returned to the WWE ring at Survivor Series in 2023, mused on the transformations and innovations that have been put into place since he left, many of which he had pushed for before his unanticipated departure ten years ago.

In his own words, Punk stated, “The environment has undergone a seismic shift. The culture is entirely different now. Someone even told me they were beyond thrilled that I am back to experience this atmosphere, to feel this culture that I helped nurture. I don’t want to take all the credit, but I contributed to the evolution of this space. The changes I implored, pleaded and even fought for are now reality. It’s simply a better environment.”

Punk didn’t stop there, he added, “I’ve aged, I’ve grown. The team is amazing. Those who support me, they know I’m sincere and genuine, they trust me. And for those who don’t, they may find a reason to misinterpret that into, ‘Oh, he’s just being deceptive,’ but really, it doesn’t matter. We are here, living it, we understand the behind-the-scenes machinations. If you ask me to describe it in one word; it’s enchanting.”