Chris Sabin On The Reunion Of The Motor City Machine Guns, Returning To The Ring, And More

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Chris Sabin On The Reunion Of The Motor City Machine Guns, Returning To The Ring, And More

Alex Shelley

Photo Credit: Ring of Honor

On the reunion of the Motor City Machine Guns:

Sabin: “Well, I always hoped in the back of my mind that it would happen, but I’m really happy that it did. I didn’t have to convince [Alex Shelley] luckily. Like I just asked him and he was down for it. You know Scott D’Amore and I discussed it because the plan was always for me to wrestle again, while I was producing, it was always, ‘I’m gonna wrestle again I’m gonna again,’ we didn’t know whether it’d be singles or what. But yeah, him and I discussed that it’d be awesome if we could get the Motor City Machine Guns back together for my return and everything and see how long Alex Shelley would stick around for, so we both contacted him and we both discussed it with him and luckily he said yeah.”

On which teams he wants to face:

Sabin: “I think the North is awesome of course, I’d love to have many more matches with those guys, but the Rascalz were awesome to work with, I’d like to work with TJP and Fallah Bahh, or the Good Brothers, like all those guys, they have a really good tag team division right now, so pretty much open to working with anyone.”

On the teams he’s enjoyed facing the most:

Sabin: “Beer Money, we had those best of series with them, it was just one of my favorite times in my career, the Young Bucks, of course, we have long-standing history with those guys, so I enjoyed them.

On getting back to the point where he feels fully comfortable in the ring:

Sabin: “I think it’s just one continual process of being comfortable in the ring, I mean even after 20 years, I feel like I’m still evolving in myself as a performer and everything so I don’t know, I mean there was a point when I was really, really comfortable in the ring and that was right when I tore my first ACL, so it was bad timing. And I was really, really comfortable in the ring with everything we were doing, who I was as a performer and then that happened, so that was very bad timing and I feel like I’ve been trying to catch-up back to that point ever since then. And I feel like I’m closer now than I’ve ever been before.”

On the buzz surrounding IMPACT Wrestling:

Sabin: “It’s cool, you know there’s an excitement, you can tell there’s motivation in the locker room, you know what I mean, that everyone has this buzz like yeah, man, like something’s happening, we’re doing something, and every wrestling promotion is kind of on an even playing field right now with not being able to travel and have fans in their audience. So it’s a blank slate for everybody, so it’s there for whoever wants to take it. It seems like everyone’s stepping up.”

The full interview is available below:

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