Chris Jericho Reveals Scrapped Plans Of Cinematic Fight With Mike Tyson

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During a recent appearance on “The AEW-some Pod,” Chris Jericho unveiled a fascinating tidbit: back in 2020, he came close to engaging in a cinematic showdown with Mike Tyson.

This envisioned spectacle, Jericho revealed, would have drawn inspiration from the iconic movie “They Live,” which celebrates its 35th anniversary this year and is renowned for featuring one of cinema’s most memorable brawl sequences between Roddy Piper and Keith David. Y2J said,


Mike Tyson and I almost had a cinematic match. We were this close to doing it, Tyson vs. Jericho in a New York Street Fight, but we couldn’t make it happen. We really were deep in negotiations too. We were going to do it in New York in an alley, like an alley fight, basically. Think ‘They Live’ with Tyson and Jericho, that’s what I had in mind.

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