Chris Jericho faced backlash for labeling The Undertaker as ‘uninteresting’.

Chris Jericho faced backlash for labeling The Undertaker as ‘uninteresting’.
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In a recent episode of his podcast “Talk Is Jericho”, Chris Jericho looked back on an incident from August 1999 during his early days in WWE. At that time, Jericho had made a bold move by saying The Undertaker was “boring”, which invited a lot of backstage controversy.

Here are a few notable highlights from that podcast episode:

On the occasion when he boldly labelled The Undertaker as boring:  “During a Tuesday promo on The Undertaker, which originally should have been targeted towards Austin who refused, my approach was to challenge all the biggies in the ring by pointing out their flaws. I didn’t mince words about Undertaker’s boring ten-minute promo, which stirred a hornet’s nest backstage. I still recall Shawn Michaels advising me, ‘You might not want to critique the top star’s performance on just your second day at work.’”

On how The Undertaker was truly dull that particular night:   “Despite the controversy, Shawn’s words were right. However, that was exactly what happened; Undertaker indeed ended up giving one of his dullest performances that night. He was part of this elaborate promo with Big Show, involving a desert and a scorpion, and I remember everyone was left puzzled. I commented, ‘Undertaker, you’re boring and washed up.’ His comeback was funny saying, ‘I have spent more time taking showers than the time you’ve spent in the ring’, which wasn’t quite accurate considering I had already competed in about 1500 matches in nine years prior to then.”