Chris Jericho Downplays ‘Brawl Out’ Incident, Says He Helped “Right The Ship”

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Speaking recently with The Daily Mail ahead of AEW All In 2023, Chris Jericho touched on AEW All Out 2022’s shrouded-in-speculation aftermath – CM Punk’s post-show press conference rant, the backstage brawl involving Punk, Larry The Dog, Ace Steel and The Elite that followed, and its effect on the locker room and the company’s entire structure.

Jericho downplayed much of what has since been evident was nothing more than rumor and innuendo, and he also expressed his delight at the locker room emerging stronger from the incident.


You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On the true backstage atmosphere in AEW after All Out 2022; how it was all overplayed by wrestling media: “We just let people know that everything’s gonna be OK. We are a great locker room with great people and a lot of momentum for our company that’s still very young and things happen sometimes. There was a lot of uncertainty. We’ve got a lot of young guys and girls on our roster who have never been through stuff like this before, but it’s a part of the business, it happens. We were really getting painted with an unfair brush by the media in a lot of ways like “it’s a dumpster fire in the locker room” and that wasn’t the case. And I don’t want people to believe what they’re reading and think that it’s real, cos it wasn’t.”

On how the company has emerged from the troubles: “You go through things like that, fights and that sort of thing, I’ve been in them myself with locker room brawls. You’ve got to continue forward and Mox, Danielson and I just really wanted to grab the horse by the reins before it got out of control and just let people know that if you have concerns let’s discuss them, if you have issues let’s discuss them but let’s get through them together and come through stronger on the back end. I think we really came together well which was great for the locker room and for the fans because the fans too want to know that everything is going to continue moving forward. And I think we did a really good job of righting the ship and most importantly letting people know that it’s going to be OK. It’s not the end of the world. These things happen and we deal with them and we become stronger as a result, which we have.”

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