Chris Harris Responds To Bruce Prichard Criticizing His WWE Stint

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Bruce Prichard recently spoke about Chris Harris’ brief WWE stint on Something To Wrestle With, noting that Harris’ introductory pre-tape failed miserably. Prichard said,

“Chris Harris took the record away for the most takes of a pre-tape ever in the history of being on the road and producing, at least in my history. He just couldn’t do it. Just couldn’t do it. We couldn’t get through one. He had trouble with every single one of them.”


On AdFreeShows’ False Finish, Harris addressed Prichard’s remarks, stating that while he did take finish the taping, creative changes and other factors were responsible for his failure in WWE.

“Bruce was the producer of the segment, but Bruce was not involved here. There were other people in there that were firing off these lines of what to say… I’m not in a place where I can [say] that doesn’t sound right… The lines were just so awful and I was thinking, ‘You got to be kidding me. You guys aren’t coming up with anything better than this?’ But every time I would say what they wanted me to say.”

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