Chief Revenue Officer at Anthem Sports Group Opens Up About Objectives Behind TNA Distribution Partnership and More.

Chief Revenue Officer at Anthem Sports Group Opens Up About Objectives Behind TNA Distribution Partnership and More.
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Rob Kligman, the Chief Revenue Officer for Anthem Sports, recently revealed his aspirations for an OTT (over-the-top TV) distribution strategy for TNA in his interview with Essentially Sports. OTT TV bypasses traditional television methods and instead uses digital platforms such as subscription services and Free Ad-Supported TV (FAST) channels for distribution.

Kligman expressed the significance of distributing content via OTT platforms, stating that they provide an outlet that wouldn’t have been available 15-20 years prior. The simplicity of OTT distribution is integral for content-rich opportunities. He underscored that, in his opinion, content is king. However, he also emphasized that OTT distribution alone would not be a magic bullet. The strategy sought after would be a combination of OTT and broadcast deals to attain the maximum possible audience outreach.

In additional news, WOW – Women of Wrestling announced their first-ever appearance at the San Diego Comic-Con later this month. The leaders of WOW and some WOW Superheroes will be hosting a special panel to discuss the recent rise in female representation in sports and the correlation between comics and professional wrestling. They will also offer a glimpse into the upcoming third season of WOW – Women of Wrestling.