Chelsea Green shares her thoughts on her swift elimination from the 2023 Royal Rumble

Chelsea Green shares her thoughts on her swift elimination from the 2023 Royal Rumble
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Chelsea Green made her return to WWE during the 2023 women’s Royal Rumble match and was eliminated in record time. For those who may not recall, Green was eliminated after just five seconds.

While speaking to Steve Fall on “The Ten Count” podcast, Green commented on her short-lived appearance in last year’s women’s Royal Rumble match, her goal in the Royal Rumble match, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On her short-lived appearance in last year’s Royal Rumble: “I feel like I had the performance of a lifetime last year too because you cannot erase history. You can erase history, but [my time of] five seconds, that now is going to be in the opening of the Royal Rumble for quite a while with Valhalla joining me now as well. But gosh, I’ve had a really awesome year [since]. I feel like from last year’s Royal Rumble to this year’s Royal Rumble, I don’t think I could have written a better script of what this year could have brought me. It’s just been so awesome and full of surprises that I just didn’t even know existed. Now this year, I finally have my green card so I’m able to travel with WWE internationally. I feel like even more good stuff is coming my way.”

On her goal in the Royal Rumble: “Really [my] goal of Royal Rumble is just to be the person that entertains, the person the crowd talks about whether it’s cheering for or booing or whatever it is. Really, that is and has been always my goal coming back to WWE, is always just to get people talking.”

Chelsea Green, a professional wrestler, recently made her return to WWE during the 2023 women’s Royal Rumble match. However, her appearance was short-lived as she was eliminated in a record-breaking five seconds. Green recently spoke about her experience in last year’s Royal Rumble, her goals for the event, and more during an interview on “The Ten Count” podcast.

Reflecting on her brief appearance in the previous year’s Royal Rumble, Green acknowledged that while it may have been short, it was a memorable moment that will be etched in history. She expressed her belief that her five-second elimination will be featured in the opening of the Royal Rumble for quite some time. Despite the brevity of her appearance, Green has had an incredible year since then and feels grateful for the opportunities that have come her way. She mentioned that she now has her green card, allowing her to travel internationally with WWE, which opens up new possibilities for her career.

Green also discussed her goal for the Royal Rumble, which is to entertain the audience and leave a lasting impression. She aims to be the person that fans talk about, whether they are cheering for or booing her. Green’s ultimate objective in returning to WWE is to generate buzz and get people talking about her performances.

In addition to the podcast interview, Green shared highlights from the conversation on social media. She also included a link to a YouTube video where fans can watch the full interview. In the video, she discusses various topics, including her gear for the Royal Rumble, potentially wrestling TNA’s Jordynne Grace in WWE, and her thoughts on Piper Niven.

Overall, Chelsea Green’s return to WWE during the women’s Royal Rumble match may have been short-lived, but it has not dampened her spirits. She remains optimistic about the future and is determined to make a lasting impact in the wrestling world. As she continues her journey in WWE, fans can expect to see more of Green’s entertaining performances and her ability to captivate audiences.