Chelsea Green Expresses Desire to Become the Female Equivalent of Miz, While Mark Henry Discusses John Cena.

Chelsea Green Expresses Desire to Become the Female Equivalent of Miz, While Mark Henry Discusses John Cena.
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In a recent episode of “The Masked Man Show”, Chelsea Green shared that she wants to position herself as the female version of the Miz in the world of WWE. Here’s what she had to say,

“I made up my mind, when I was first recruited in 2019, to endeavor to be the female Miz. Many think I’m the female R-Truth. But my goal is to be the female Miz. I want it all. I wish to grab roles in films where audiences can trust my acting and truly believe in the character I portray. I want the chance to support and uplift celebrities, making them look excellent and star-studded. I want to make the audience laugh. I want to be able to do all this and more. I believe that Miz brilliantly balances the absurdity and reality, work and life. In my eyes, he has had the ideal career. I aspire to mirror his career. Every time he accomplishes something, I think to myself, ‘I wish I could do that.’ I harbor envy for his achievements.”

During a fresh conversation with Denise Salcedo, former AEW talent Mark Henry reminisced about the time he gave a lift to John Cena to OVW on his debut day.

Below are some highlights from their conversation:

About the day in question: “I discovered that during his diet — it was a dieting period for him, though I’m not sure if he was getting ready for a bodybuilding competition or was just keen on maintaining a lean physique — he avoided drinking water for an entire week. The only liquid he consumed was Diet Mountain Dew. This surprised me. I said to him, ‘Man, you need to take in some water.’ [Cena replies] ‘No, this makes me pee. If I consume water I will retain it.’ I responded, ‘Listen, man, the human body can’t function solely on Diet Mountain Dew. Every doctor you consult, their primary question is whether you’re hydrating yourself adequately.’ He replied, ‘I’ll be all right,’ and I found his reply rather amusing.”

About frequently reminding Cena about his diet choices: “I bring it up persistently. Whenever I meet him, I ask, ‘Have you had your Diet Mountain Dew?’ To which he responds, ‘I was young and naive then.”

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