Chase U Secures WWE NXT Tag Team Titles by Defeating Axiom and Nathan Frazer

Chase U Secures WWE NXT Tag Team Titles by Defeating Axiom and Nathan Frazer
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Charlie Dempsey wasn’t the sole individual enjoying fresh championship glory on the evening of August 13, 2024 edition of WWE NXT, since the tag team championship belts have also received new possessors.

The climactic event of the evening saw Chase University’s own Andre Chase and Ridge Holland successfully overthrow the then-reigning champs, Axiom and Nathan Frazer, known collectively as The Supersonic Duo, capturing the coveted gold.

Intriguingly, after months of Ridge Holland resorting to questionable tactics to clinch victories and showing signs of double-dealing, this victory for Chase University was refreshingly direct, free from dishonest manoeuvres, use of foreign objects or anything of the sort.

Of particular note is an earlier backstage interaction that evening, where Axiom and Nathan Frazer expressed their recent distractions due to the WWE Speed tournament and other title pursuits. Despite affirming their unwavering dedication towards the tag team championship belts, the night ended with them dejected on the ground, mourning their title loss.

How this defeat will impact their teamwork or cause other repercussions is a question for future updates, alongside the identity of the challengers set to test the newly crowned tag team champions.

It would be great to hear your opinion about this shift in title ownership? And who do you predict will be the next contenders for the tag team championship belts? Do share your thoughts in the comments section.