Chael Sonnen surmises that Vince McMahon was at the helm of Donald Trump’s Presidential drive despite Trump being a convicted criminal.

Chael Sonnen surmises that Vince McMahon was at the helm of Donald Trump’s Presidential drive despite Trump being a convicted criminal.
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Recently on the “FLAGRANT” podcast, former UFC sensation, Chael Sonnen, reiterated his accusations against former WWE and TKO heavyweight, Vince McMahon, insinuating him being the main proponent behind Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign.

For reference, we’ve outlined some noteworthy points from the podcast discussion:

Sonnen’s conviction of Vince McMahon being at the helm of Trump’s 2016 campaign: “No one could persuade me that Vince McMahon was not the driving force behind the 2016 Trump campaign. Vince was indeed the key player. His defining principle always has been – it’s not only about commerce and entertainment, but also about understanding human psychology.”

How Trump’s campaign mirrored a quintessential McMahon WWE event: “Trump’s campaign events echoed familiar WWE tropes: he used signature catchphrases like ‘lock him up,’ branded his opponents with specific nicknames, adopted repetition of songs simulating a wrestler’s theme music, and induced chant-along sessions from his supporters. His campaign strategy was indistinguishable from the manner in which Vince McMahon promotes a high-stakes WrestleMania.”

It should be noted that McMahon’s wife, Linda McMahon, held a position within Donald Trump’s presidential administration.

For those interested, Chael Sonnen elaborates on his points in a recorded interview:

[embedded interview]

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