Candice LeRae’s Grandfather Passes Away

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Candice LeRae took to Instagram on Tuesday to post the sad news that her grandfather, Dawson, passed away late last week. She wrote,

“Friday I woke up to the heartbreaking news that my Grandpa had passed. It’s been hard to put into words the sadness I’ve felt over the weekend. My grandpa supported my love for wrestling since I was a little girl. He recorded PPVs for me and my brothers, brought the VHS to my dad at work on Monday, and then my brothers and I excitedly waited for my dad got home to watch it before Monday night Raw.

Grandpa always got a kick out of the fact that I loved wrestling so much and got a kick out of this being my dream job. I’m so fortunate that he was able to see me live when NXT came to Riverside right before the pandemic.

The last time I saw my grandpa, he met Quill. Quill smiled the biggest of smiles at great grandpa as though he knew this was a special moment. Or maybe he just knew great Grandpa’s pretty amazing.

I could go on and on about my admiration, appreciation, and love for my grandpa. I’m so grateful for knowing him and that the world chose me to be one of his grandkids. Rest peacefully, Grandpa Dawson.“

We send our sincere condolences to Candice LeRae and her family.

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