Bully Ray’s Perspective: ‘The Clash Between Bron Breakker and Ilja Dragunov Did not Live Up to My Anticipated Standards’

Bully Ray’s Perspective: ‘The Clash Between Bron Breakker and Ilja Dragunov Did not Live Up to My Anticipated Standards’
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In a recent broadcast of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, WWE legend and Hall of Famer Bully Ray voiced his opinion on the Bron Breakker vs. Ilja Dragunov match in a recent WWE RAW event. They didn’t quite meet the standards he set for them.

Bully Ray wished there had been a greater show of supremacy from Breakker. He stated,

“It was excessively 50/50 for me. They may likely argue that ‘Well, the fight was 50/50. We intended to augment Ilja’s strength as Bron clinched the victory, and the final scene was of Bron percent demolishing Ricochet.’ Also, I comprehend the rationale. However, Ilja and Bron are on SAME trajectory. Both are receiving a reasonable push. I appreciate what Ilja can execute with merely his eyes in his promos. He narrates an entire plot with his optical intensity and facial expressions, even with his lesser physical stature. But when you have a diminutive player, regardless of their brave spirit or fight, they are still combating the sheer madcap craziness of Bron Breakker. And that st evens out. I believed Bron should have been more stern with Ilja, offering him a glimmer of hope, exposing him to the struggle, showcasing the battle, providing him with a major surge at the climax, before pulling the rug from under him. It was somewhat too balanced for me.”

He continued on, “I received an unexpected text from The Sandman while watching the match. For those unaware, The Sandman is a remarkably astute professional wrestler. He comprehends this industry fathom deeper than most might assume, despite the widespread notion of The Sandman being overly indulgent, etc. Sandman’s message suggested that in his perspective, they did a disservice to Bron Breakker last night. I’m not saying I agree, but I’m mentioning his perception ‘You repeatedly go the extra mile week in week out to mould this guy, and then you set him up for an evenly fought match with Ilja?’ He was not a fan of this either.”

As a result of this win, Breakker extended his unbeaten run on the main roster.