Bully Ray suggests that it’s high time the Hardys culminate their professional journey in WWE.

Bully Ray suggests that it’s high time the Hardys culminate their professional journey in WWE.
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Bully Ray expressed his pleasure at seeing the Hardy brothers, Matt and Jeff, team up again in TNA Wrestling during a recent edition of “Busted Open Radio” podcast. However, he admits having a wish to see the brothers wrap up their wrestling careers with WWE.

In the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, Bully Ray expressed his opinions regarding Matt and Jeff Hardy. You can find some notable excerpts from the podcast below:

Discussing Jeff Hardy’s return to TNA, Bully Ray appreciated seeing the Hardy brothers wrestling together again. His optimism about their potential impact on TNA was tangible: “It’s great to see Matt and Jeff reunite. I truly hope the Hardy’s can attract more — or perhaps new — audience to TNA. In my opinion, their talents weren’t fully harnessed in AEW. It will be interesting to see the future events unfold.”

On the topic of the Hardys putting an end to their careers, Bully Ray expressed his desire for seeing them retire in WWE: “I firmly believe that the Hardys should conclude their wrestling journey where it began [WWE]. I look forward to the day when Matt and Jeff bid their farewell to the wrestling ring as WWE fighters, and subsequently get inducted into the Hall of Fame.”

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