Bully Ray Suggests AEW Should Prioritize New Fans Similar to WWE

Bully Ray Suggests AEW Should Prioritize New Fans Similar to WWE
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Bully Ray believes that AEW should take a page from WWE’s book by making sure newer viewers understand what is going on.

During “Busted Open Radio” Ray suggested that AEW needs to attract new viewers rather than solely cater to its current audience. He said,


“AEW needs to cater to newer viewers the way WWE does. The WWE, as big as they are right now — if you take a lot at the metrics, they might even be bigger than the Attitude Era. Still, they are reminding you [of their past] and bringing new viewers up-to-speed … new eyes. This is where AEW needs to try and move forward — in bringing new eyes to the product. Otherwise, they’re just bouncing back to their own viewers.”

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In order to attract new viewers and expand its audience, Bully Ray believes that All Elite Wrestling (AEW) should take a page from WWE’s book. He suggests that AEW needs to ensure that newer viewers understand what is going on in the promotion, rather than solely catering to its current audience.

During an episode of “Busted Open Radio,” Bully Ray expressed his thoughts on how AEW can grow its fanbase. He acknowledged the success of WWE, stating that they might even be bigger than the Attitude Era when looking at the metrics. One of the reasons for WWE’s success, according to Bully Ray, is their ability to remind viewers of their past and bring new viewers up-to-speed with the ongoing storylines.

Bully Ray believes that AEW should follow suit and focus on bringing new eyes to the product. By doing so, they can avoid simply bouncing back to their own viewers and instead expand their reach. This strategy would involve providing context and background information for new viewers, ensuring that they can easily understand the ongoing storylines and characters.

In order to attract new viewers, AEW could consider implementing various tactics. One approach could be to create video packages or vignettes that introduce key storylines, rivalries, and characters. These packages could be aired during broadcasts or shared on social media platforms, allowing potential new viewers to catch up on the current happenings in AEW.

Additionally, AEW could utilize commentary teams to provide explanations and insights into ongoing storylines and character motivations. This would help newer viewers understand the context of matches and the significance of certain actions or events.

Another effective method could be the use of backstage interviews or segments where wrestlers explain their motivations and goals. This would not only provide insight into the characters but also help new viewers connect with them on a deeper level.

Furthermore, AEW could consider implementing a user-friendly website or app that provides comprehensive information about the promotion, its wrestlers, and ongoing storylines. This would allow new viewers to easily access information and catch up on previous events.

In conclusion, Bully Ray’s suggestion for AEW to cater to newer viewers is a valuable one. By taking a page from WWE’s book and ensuring that new viewers understand what is going on, AEW can attract a wider audience and continue to grow as a promotion. Implementing strategies such as video packages, commentary explanations, backstage interviews, and user-friendly platforms can help AEW bring new eyes to their product and create a more inclusive and engaging viewing experience for all.