Bully Ray Opines on How CM Punk Should Be Utilized in WWE, as Jonathan Coachman Expresses Willingness to Return to WWE.

Bully Ray Opines on How CM Punk Should Be Utilized in WWE, as Jonathan Coachman Expresses Willingness to Return to WWE.
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Jonathan Coachman, known for his previous role in WWE, recently stated on “The Angle Podcast” that he is now considering a comeback to WWE but in a role other than commentary. He expressed his dissatisfaction with his previous comeback, where he felt overlooked and treated poorly.

Sharing his past experiences, Coachman said, “During my past return to WWE, I faced a lot of hostility. Some were possibly envious that I was reinstated in the commentary role, making them difficult to work with.”

“I prefer embodying the ‘heel coach,’ the sarcastic, provoking character that gets physical towards the end. I am skilled in this role and can still maintain credibility for hosting a sports betting show, or engage in sports wrestling,” he maintained. He also emphasised his dedication at WWE, missing only one Monday Night session during his first ten-year term.

On another podcast series called “Busted Open Radio”, WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray provided insights on the optimal use for CM Punk in WWE today, suggesting to play to Punk’s strengths of storytelling and character. Bully Ray added, “If I was Triple H, I would arrange high-profile matches for Punk. There is no doubt in my mind that CM Punk could carry the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.”

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