Bully Ray Heaps Praise On The Will Ospreay vs. Kenny Omega Forbidden Door II Match

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Bully Ray has nothing but high praise for the match between Will Ospreay and Kenny Omega that took place at Sunday night’s AEW x NJPW: Forbidden Door II pay-per-view event.

Speaking on today’s episode of “Busted Open Radio,” Bully Ray heaped praise on the match and commented on how the two men were able to make the match stand out.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On his reaction to the match: “I legitimately found myself watching the match as a kid again. Mouth open. ‘Oh my God, what’s going to happen next?’ They registered correctly, they sold correctly.”

On Omega kicking out of the One-Winged Angel at one: “The only thing I can possibly compare it to is Hogan kicking out at one, and being on his knees and starting to do the shake. Because Kenny got the same reaction, and if I can compare a talent to Hulk Hogan and the reactions that Hulk Hogan would get, you must be doing something right.”

On what made the match stand out: “When you have guys that are that talented in Kenny and Will, who have that kind of chemistry, [it’s] virtually impossible to follow,” Bully said. “And as you saw last night, their story played out in that ring in a beautiful, beautiful way, from every aspect. There [were] the moves and the spots that we’ve come to know and love from Kenny and Will, plus the psychology that they incorporated into the match based on their maturity and better understanding of psychology as they’ve gotten a bit older in the business.”

On the rewatchability of the match: “Kenny and Will left it all out there, and gave you something that I would go back and watch again. And I don’t watch matches again. Once it’s happened, it’s done – it’s gone.”

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