Bully Ray Conveys Audacious Forecast Concerning Britt Baker Ahead of AEW Beach Break Event

Bully Ray Conveys Audacious Forecast Concerning Britt Baker Ahead of AEW Beach Break Event
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In a recent episode of “Busted Open Radio,” WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray offered detailed advice regarding the strategy that he feels Britt Baker should adopt for her anticipated comeback speech during today’s episode of AEW Dynamite: Beach Break.

Following a considerable hiatus, Baker made a comeback to AEW during this past Sunday’s AEW X NJPW: Forbidden Door 2024 pay-per-view event.

Here are some key takeaways from the podcast discussion:

When discussing Baker’s strategy for tonight, Bully Ray suggested, “I envision Britt Baker addressing Mercedes, saying, ‘Wait a minute, Mercedes? I’m off to mingle with those who actually value me here.’ I propose that Britt Baker breaches the barrier and delivers her speech among the crowd.”

In response to Mone’s remarks about potentially returning to WWE, Bully Ray offered, “Those are explosive statements. Britt merely needs to say, ‘AEW fans, if you don’t trust me, witness her words. She is poised to abandon us all, but when she does, I’ll still be standing here, just like I have since day one.’ It’s a way to create a hero. Approach the audience, share space with fans, assert your point there, and let her know, ‘This is what’s at stake here. You’re challenging not only me, Britt Baker, DMD, but an entire community of AEW fans whom I’ve cherished since the beginning and who have reciprocated that affection, and I refuse to stand by as you just barge in and rob us of everything.’”

Discussing why such statements make it difficult to cheer for Mone in AEW, Bully Ray reasoned, “For any wrestler from WCW or the WWF stepping into the ECW Arena, it was tantamount to entering a warzone and caution was warranted. If you dared deliver a speech in the ECW Arena or claimed in an interview that, ‘One day, I’m going to be back in the WWE,’ the ECW fans would have turned against you vehemently.”

On transforming Baker into a villain, he explained, “If [Baker] steps forward and attempts to perform a villainous promo, unless she manages to deliver the most compelling villainous promo in history that could sway the audience’s feelings and incite their hatred for her, I fail to see the point.”