Bully Ray Believes Cody Rhodes Can Thrive in Wrestling Without a Manager

Bully Ray Believes Cody Rhodes Can Thrive in Wrestling Without a Manager
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On a recent episode of the “Busted Open Radio” podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Bully Ray engaged in a discussion about whether Undisputed WWE Universal Champion Cody Rhodes requires the services of a manager.

Ray voiced his opinion that regardless of the person in consideration for the role, he doesn’t think Rhodes requires a manager. He stated,

“I do not believe that Cody Rhodes needs anybody as his manager. … If Cody was to engage a manager, and it was say an Arn Anderson, I would really require an explanation. When I think about who Arn Anderson would remind me of, should manage Cody, only one name comes to my mind – Arnold Skaaland.”

Continuing his thoughts, he said, “I appreciate Arn, I recognize what he has achieved, particularly his association with Cody in AEW. I perceive that it was more about reminiscing the past than anything else. I am of the opinion that Cody does not require anyone.”