Bull Buchanan Pitched A Waylon Mercy-Type Gimmick In WWE

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Bull Buchanan pitched a Waylon Mercy-type gimmick during his time in WWE.

Speaking on a recent edition of the “Developmentally Speaking” podcast, the WWE alumnus commented on pitching the character, taking the idea to OVW, and more.


You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On pitching the idea of bringing the character back: “I always loved the movie Cape Fear and I loved the Waylon Mercy gimmick. And I never understood why it didn’t get a better run. Once I got into the business, I understood. I think Danny had some nagging injuries and he just wasn’t worth it. When [Right to Censor] was coming to an end I’d start hitting it around to the guys. I would throw ideas at Michael Hayes. Hayes was always great. I could always trust him to shoot straight with me. I told him about it and he said, ‘Well, yeah I think it’s a good idea. Just ask Vince.’”

On taking the idea to OVW: “[Cornette] came up with an angle where I was stalking David Flair and I stole his dog out of his apartment and stuck him out in the middle of a cornfield […] It was great stuff.”

On nearly bringing it to TV: “Stephanie told me about it. I think she said it was Hunter’s idea of having me as Jamie Noble’s cousin. I loved that idea because I love Jamie Noble and I knew Nidia.”

On Paul Heyman slowing it down: “He just felt like […] I would be the third wheel. He came up with the ‘B²’ idea. I think the Waylon Mercy thing kind of morphed into what was going to be Jamie Noble’s cousin. Looking back on it, I can see that happening. Jamie and Nidia had such a strong dynamic going. I could see where I could have been, ‘Oh yeah, and that guy too.”

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