Bryan Danielson Reminisces About Informing Vince McMahon of His Aspirations to Become a Leading Star, Along with Other Updates

Bryan Danielson Reminisces About Informing Vince McMahon of His Aspirations to Become a Leading Star, Along with Other Updates
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In a recent discussion with Dean Muhtadi, also known as Mojo Rawley in WWE, on TMZ Sports, Bryan Danielson (formerly known as Daniel Bryan in WWE) shared an interesting experience where he expressed his desire to Vince McMahon to be the top performer in WWE.

Danielson vividly recounted the moment, saying, “One incident I remember is when I approached Vince to express my interest in being the go-to-guy in WWE. This was something I had experienced in Ring of Honor, but not anywhere else. After my World Championship win at WrestleMania 30, Vince sat me down to brief me about the upcoming plans. He told me about a future strategy to transition to Roman Reigns being the headliner. Vince even explained the big plans they had for me till the SummerSlam, where I’d be pit against Brock Lesnar.”

Danielson went on to elaborate on McMahon’s reaction when he expressed his wish to be the lead guy like John Cena. According to Danielson, it was a rare occasion when McMahon backtracked on his words. As much as Danielson wanted to be ‘the man’, the role they had in mind for him was at that moment to cater to the fan’s desire.

In a separate interview with WhatCulture Wrestling, Nick Wayne, set to be a part of the AEW All In 2024, shared his enthusiasm to be remembered as an impactful part of the event. Wayne will team up with the Patriarchy in a contentious ladder match against The House of Black, Bang Bang Gang and an unknown fourth team for the Trios titles. He expressed his intention to show out at the event and be considered a highlight of the show.

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