Bryan Danielson Provides Insight into His Final Year as a Full-Time Wrestler

Bryan Danielson Provides Insight into His Final Year as a Full-Time Wrestler
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Bryan Danielson recently noted in an AEW Collision promo that he would be winding down his full-time wrestling career next year as he promised his daughter he would do so. He never said he would fully retire from wrestling, though.

During an appearance on BJ & Migs, Danielson was asked about the promo.


“It is a real thing. Also, I’m not a great actor. I have no interest in acting whatsoever. It’s one of those things where, if I don’t feel something to be true, I can’t go out there and do it. Not that I can’t go out there and do it, I will go out there and do it, but I need to have some sort of connection to something before I go out there and do it. This is a very real thing. For me, this is my last full-time year of wrestling. What my life looks like outside of wrestling after the year, we don’t exactly know. I don’t know. I, would kind of like to disappear. I don’t think my temperament is good for the public eye. I don’t like being recognized, that sort of thing. People are great, wrestling fans are great, they are always so nice when they say hi, but what really made it happen was being in the WWE machine and you’re in the spotlight so much, and I always loved wrestling and I loved the idea that I could wrestle in front of 500 people at an independent show and they’d be like, ‘you’re the best,’ and I go to the airport and nobody knows who I am. Even when I was the top independent wrestler in the country, I could go back to Aberdeen and not a single person cared. They didn’t care that I was a professional wrestler at all. I like that because then they’re not coming in with any expectation or they just like you because. I like to blend into the background a little more,” he said.

Danielson noted that he’s starting to feel the damage he’s done to his body. 

“The travel, the toll the travel takes on my body and when you get home. You leave on Friday, do Collision on Saturday, come home on Sunday, you’re exhausted. We live on the west coast and most wrestling shows are east coast or central time, which why it’s great being in Seattle. The long flights, you get home, and you’re residually tired from that, and it takes you a day or two to recover from that, especially as I get old. I want to show up for my kids in the best way possible. I was never attracted to wrestling because of the fame or money. When I look back, I don’t even think I thought I was going to be successful,” he commented. “Part of it too is, my body. I’ve been doing it for so long and I wrestle a hard style. It’s getting to the point where I have to look after my long-term health as well. I want to be there because we had kids older. I want to be able to be there and play with my kids.”

Danielson added that he feels grateful and lucky about the career that he’s had. 

“One of the things is, mentally, for me, making this last full-time year of wrestling, making every match mean more. Not to other people, but to myself. I have a limited time frame to do this at the scale that I’m doing it. That means don’t take it for granted. Doing this job is a blessing, and I’m lucky to be able to do it,” he said.

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Bryan Danielson, also known as Daniel Bryan, recently announced that he will be winding down his full-time wrestling career next year. In a promo for AEW Collision, Danielson mentioned that he made this decision because he promised his daughter he would do so. However, he clarified that he is not retiring from wrestling altogether.

During an appearance on the BJ & Migs podcast, Danielson discussed his decision to step back from full-time wrestling. He emphasized that his announcement was genuine and not a result of acting. Danielson stated that he has no interest in pursuing an acting career and that he needs to feel a connection to something before he can perform. He expressed that this is his last year as a full-time wrestler and that he is uncertain about what his life will look like outside of wrestling after that.

Danielson also revealed that he prefers to stay out of the public eye and dislikes being recognized. He mentioned that although wrestling fans are kind and supportive, he feels more comfortable blending into the background. He reminisced about his time as a top independent wrestler when he could go unnoticed in his hometown, Aberdeen. Danielson appreciates the lack of expectations and enjoys being liked for who he is rather than for his wrestling persona.

In addition to personal reasons, Danielson acknowledged the toll that wrestling takes on his body. The constant travel and long flights leave him exhausted and take a few days to recover from, especially as he gets older. He wants to prioritize his long-term health and be present for his children. Danielson admitted that he never pursued wrestling for fame or money but rather because he loves the sport. He feels grateful and lucky for the successful career he has had.

As Danielson enters his last full-time year of wrestling, he aims to make every match count, not only for others but also for himself. He recognizes the limited time frame he has to perform at this level and wants to cherish every moment. He considers his job as a wrestler to be a blessing and feels fortunate to be able to pursue it.

Fans can stay updated with all the latest wrestling news on or follow their Twitter and Facebook pages. Bryan Danielson’s decision to wind down his full-time wrestling career next year marks a significant milestone in his life and career. As fans, we can appreciate his dedication to his family and his desire to prioritize his long-term health. We wish him all the best in this new chapter of his life.