Bryan Danielson greatly aspires to witness Claudio Castagnoli reign as the champion of the AEW World.

Bryan Danielson greatly aspires to witness Claudio Castagnoli reign as the champion of the AEW World.
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Bryan Danielson expressed his wishes for Claudio Castagnoli to secure the AEW World Championship title.

Through his recent conversation with Sports Illustrated, Danielson shared his aspiration to see his comrade from the Blackpool Combat Club have a term with the leading belt of AEW.

Below are some standout points from the discussion:

Danielson’s thoughts on Castagnoli becoming a World Title holder: “My desire is for Claudio to hold the world championship. In terms of ring craft, he is one of the finest I’ve ever shared the canvas with.”

Danielson’s take on Castagnoli’s ROH World Championship tenure: “Claudio’s reign as Ring of Honor’s world champion was nothing short of extraordinary. I had the opportunity to witness all his matches, which left me and many others mesmerized–a common reaction when watching Claudio in action. It is my genuine hope that Claudio will have a chance to hold the AEW world championship title before he decides to retire. I am confident he would seize such an opportunity.”

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