Bryan Danielson announces that his agreement with AEW is due to conclude on the first of August.

Bryan Danielson announces that his agreement with AEW is due to conclude on the first of August.
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In an extended interview with Bryan Danielson, featured in the recent episode of AEW Dynamite, the seasoned professional wrestler shared interesting details about his wrestling contract.

Danielson revealed his affiliation with AEW is set to conclude on the first day of August. He also shared updates on the state of his neck and his overall well-being.

Here are some highlights from the discussion:

On the matter of his neck condition: “My physician, Doc Sampson, doesn’t advocate for me to wrestle until the Wembley event which is proving to be the challenging aspect as I really want to get in the ring. However, the current condition of my neck isn’t particularly promising. It’s rather strange as I’m mentally prepared to tackle what I consider to be my career’s biggest match. But, my physical condition is suggesting otherwise. Whenever the discussion of going back into the ring comes up with my wife, Brie, and my family, they are concerned about my neck. Even Doc Sampson advises against it, stating that my neck condition is currently treatable, and it’s essential to keep it that way. Regardless, I’m determined to do my best, and primarily, savour the phenomenal experience at the Wembley Stadium.”

About his contract expiration: “Absolutely, that’s correct. My wrestling contract is set to end on the very first day of August this year, which coincidentally falls on my son’s fourth birthday.”

On the topic of not leveraging AEW for a higher payout: “I would like to clarify, this statement comes from Tony’s mention of it during an interview, so I feel at ease discussing it. I’m not aiming to maximise my profits, unlike MJF. My contract is indeed up for renewal on August 1st. When I entered into this agreement, both Brie and I had concluded it would be the last contract of my wrestling career. I’m curious, yet excited about what comes after this. However, at the moment, even though my contract expiration post-dates the Wembley showdown, my primary focus remains on that event. So, life’s pretty exciting at the moment.”