‘Bruce Prichard Totally Flipped Out While Shooting My Scene with Mae Young’, says Mark Henry.

‘Bruce Prichard Totally Flipped Out While Shooting My Scene with Mae Young’, says Mark Henry.
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During a recent episode of the “Six Feet Under” podcast, Mark Henry shared some behind-the-scenes incidents that occurred while working with wrestling icon, Mae Young. Particularly, he was reminiscing about a specific segment that proved to be quite a challenge for producer Bruce Prichard.

Henry stated, “Bruce Prichard almost had a nervous breakdown during the Valentine’s Day episode. I was wearing these heart-print red silk boxers, and she [Young] kept attempting to open the fly. She’d insist on seeing what’s inside, to which I would firmly respond, ‘Stop it, Mae! Just stop it!’ Bruce was trying to keep a straight face but could not. I told him, ‘Dude, keep it professional. You’re on duty!’ Amidst laughter breaking him down, he had to recline on the floor and delegate his producing duties to others.”

It was in the late ’90s, specifically the end of ’99, that Henry’s and Young’s characters engaged in an on-screen relationship. The plot saw Young giving birth to a hand on RAW in February 2000, a scene many wrestling fans famously remember.

The birth scene, Henry concedes, was a bit on the distasteful side but feels the particular segment has now gotten quite a reputation for itself. In his words, “It was so bad that it’s great. I am sure it’s the birth of that hand that’s going to outlive me.”

Years later, in 2012, Young and the ‘son’ made a return to the WWE universe, gracing the 1,000th episode of RAW. In 2008, Young achieved Hall of Fame status and lived until 2014 when she passed away at 90.