Bruce Prichard shares his approach to creative wrestling concept development.

Bruce Prichard shares his approach to creative wrestling concept development.
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In a recent episode of his podcast “Something to Wrestle,” Bruce Prichard lends his thoughts on his underlying philosophy in the world of wrestling creative, his minor regrets in his career in wrestling, and more.

Here are some noteworthy parts from the podcast:

Regarding his outlook on wrestling creative, Prichard opines, “From my perspective, there used to be a time when if something didn’t gel… if it didn’t resonate, then everything associated with it needed to be scrapped. However, my conviction has always been that even though you might falter or take a wrong step at some point, there’s always the chance to redirect and reach your intended goal.”

With reference to his remorse in his profession, He articulates, “The sole regrets that I possess, which I’ve mentioned before, are mostly around those times when I couldn’t see a project through to its conclusion or provide it with a chance to fail. I feel that there were instances when a project was prematurely terminated because it wasn’t gaining traction, and it wasn’t extended the opportunity to pivot and ultimately succeed.”

An episode of the podcast is embedded below for those interested:

[Embedded Content]

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