Bruce Prichard Remembers Shooting ‘Boy Meets World’ During a WWE Function

Bruce Prichard Remembers Shooting ‘Boy Meets World’ During a WWE Function
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In the 1996 “Boy Meets World” episode dubbed “Sixteen Candles and Four-Hundred-Pound Men,” we witnessed a distinctive plot where Cory helps Frankie prepare for his father’s wrestling match with Jake “The Snake” Roberts, amidst the chaotic celebrations of Topanga’s sweet sixteen party.

Frankie’s father was none other than Vader, who was pitted against Jake Roberts in the wrestling spectacle. The match commentary was delivered by Bruce Prichard. He shared his reminiscences during a conversation on the podcast titled “Pod Meets World.”

Talking about the distinct experience, he stated,

“We were in Anaheim, trying to oversee a live event for the resident audience. A live show imparts a distinctive feel compared to a TV production, as the artists are used to waiting and repeating steps. Our modus operandi varies notably from Hollywood. In Hollywood, there is the convenience of ‘cut’ and retakes. We lack this privilege when we are in front of a live audience that demands constant entertainment. This dissimilarity led to a bit of a frustration. The event that day was somewhat protracted because the wrestling match between Jake The Snake Roberts and Vader had to be accommodated into the schedule. A match that ideally should have lasted a mere 10 minutes ended up stretching to about 35-40 minutes. With all of them ringside trying to enact this emotionally charged scene asking ‘Dad, do you love me?’ I was seated there, done up in my white suit and red face paint, doing my best to guide them. My job also involved appeasing Jake, reassuring him that he is doing well while Vader carried on with his act. It was necessary to orchestrate certain moves to get the desired response from Vader and provide safety for Jake. Additionally, talent backstage were questioning, ‘Bruce, you done producing your movie?’”