Bron Breakker asserts, “I embody the forthcoming evolution of WWE, I shoulder the responsibility of propelling the company.”

Bron Breakker asserts, “I embody the forthcoming evolution of WWE, I shoulder the responsibility of propelling the company.”
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Bron Breakker is seen as WWE’s future, but the once two-time NXT Champion is already confident that he’s shouldering the company’s weight on his sturdy back.

Since making his debut in the WWE ring in 2021, Breakker has consistently made his mark. Monday Night RAW recently chose him in the 2024 WWE Draft

During a recent episode of “RAW Talk,” Breakker discussed his current status and future aspirations, reflecting a high level of self-esteem. He candidly expressed,

“Bron Breakker is the future of WWE. I am bearing the burden to make sure WWE still has its roots deep, a decade and a half from now, whether you agree or not… It is my role, my calling to carve a path for my legacy, for Bron Breakker, and continue the lineage of my family while doing so. I will go to any length because that’s what I am required to do.”

In the recent WWE RAW episode, Breakker turned his attention to Sami Zayn’s Intercontinental Championship. Bron hasn’t secured his first major title since his promotion earlier in the year.