‘Broken’ Matt Hardy Reemerges, Sets Up ‘Woken Deletion’ On Latest Free The Delete

‘Broken’ Matt Hardy Reemerges, Sets Up ‘Woken Deletion’ On Latest Free The Delete
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‘Broken’ Matt Hardy Reemerges, Sets Up ‘Woken Deletion’ On Latest Free The Delete

Photo Credit: Reby Hardy

Matt Hardy may not be having much luck in what could be his final months on WWE RAW, but the Broken Universe depicted in the new episode of Free The Delete paints a much different picture. After emerging from the Reservoir Of Altering Rebirth (or ROAR), “Broken” Matt Hardy hears a voice from above demanding a test for his reclaimed abilities. This comes in the form of independent star Rob Ryzin, who takes his own dip in the ROAR and reforms as a self-proclaimed “reverend of SIN.”

Hardy took to Twitter to respond to fans after the episode’s premiere, stating that there are six more videos planned at least. The next episode will be extended-length and feature a Hardy Compound fight similar to that seen in the original Final Deletion.

Glad you’re enjoying. There’s lots of twist & turns to come in the next 6 episodes. I create the direction & content, then my talented wife @RebyHardy epically brings it to life. My current planned #FreeTheDELETE finale is gonna blow your mind. https://t.co/Cco5Lp2wge

— The VESSEL of Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 14, 2019

Matt also gave a few hints as to future twists and turns, including throwing in the possibility that “Broken” Matt and “Woken” Matt are two separate entities. Wherever this saga takes Matt Hardy across the wrestling landscape, it will certainly be one to watch.

Questions you should ask after #FreeTheDELETE Ep5 https://t.co/ivsMOPGBBU

1) What Matt was reincarnated, #WOKEN or #BROKEN? Is it corrupted by the essence Rob put in the ROAR?

2) Why did the ROAR reincarnate Rob as a devilish entity?

3) What happens during The #WOKEN DELETION?

— The VESSEL of Matt Hardy (@MATTHARDYBRAND) December 13, 2019

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