Bret Hart had no desire to engage in a cage bout with Owen Hart.

Bret Hart had no desire to engage in a cage bout with Owen Hart.
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In a recent conversation with Sports Illustrated, professional wrestler Bret Hart reflected on his WWE SummerSlam 1994 bout against his brother Owen Hart, explaining his preference for a ladder match opposed to a steel cage match.

Key points from their discussion are listed below:

Bret’s vision for SummerSlam 1994 was clear: “We never planned on having a cage match. In reality, my preference leaned towards a ladder match with Owen. The issue was that we couldn’t follow through with that as the concept had already been implemented by Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania, in his match against Scott Hall.”

He further elaborated on the reason behind his aversion to steel cage matches: “To pit myself against Owen in such a match was not something I desired. Though we were perceived as feuding siblings, we didn’t want to convey an impression of a life or death struggle. While many memorable cage matches involve blood, we opted not to follow that trend. As I put it in my memoir, a cage match without blood is akin to a chocolate sundae sans chocolate sauce. However, Owen and I weren’t comfortable with painting a gory picture. What we chose to focus on was the excitement of the ebb and bow in and out of the cage. Despite the lack of blood, we were quite contented with the outcome. In my opinion, it was a well-crafted narrative.”

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