Bret Hart Feels Bad He Didn’t Get To Work With Steve Austin More

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WWE Hall of Famer Bret “The Hitman” Hart was a recent guest on The Wrestling Classic to discuss a wide range of topics.

During the podcast, he spoke about how he wishes he could’ve worked with Steve Austin more in WWE.


“Every match I ever had with Steve, every match, whether it was in South Africa or Germany or England or wherever it was, he was so much fun to work with. We had such a great chemistry,” Hart said. “Believe it or not, I think most of the matches that we had, we didn’t put a lot of thought or planning into it. It was just two guys that were very comfortable with each other in the ring.

“Very few wrestlers with the exception of maybe Curt Hennig and maybe my brother Owen were more fun to work with than Steve. He was always fun out there. He was always safe and careful, and always a pro, and a great listener. He trusted me and we just always had a great chemistry. I really do feel bad that we didn’t get to have more matches.”

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