Booker T – ‘I Appreciate CM Punk, Never Said Anything Derogatory Towards Him’

Booker T – ‘I Appreciate CM Punk, Never Said Anything Derogatory Towards Him’
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In a recent episode of his podcast, “Hall of Fame,” WWE Hall of Famer Booker T shared his thoughts on his relationship with CM Punk, his unexpected encounter with him during WWE NXT, and a range of other matters.

Below are some key takeaways from this podcast:

Regarding his encounter with CM Punk during WWE NXT on September 17th, Booker T shared: “I’m not sure if you guys picked up on this, but on Tuesday night during NXT, I bumped into CM Punk… CM Punk made an interesting move on NXT this week. I finished my part at the desk, used the restroom, got back, chatted with the boys, spent some time backstage. As I tried to leave the arena, I had to walk back through it. Interestingly, everyone was still in the arena; it was full. It surprised me, ‘I thought these people were heading home.’ CM Punk remained, this whole scenario reminded me of when we tried to get The Undertaker to do the Spinaroonie. It developed into an unforgettable episode that NXT fans will relive forever. They’ll reminisce about this extraordinary moment of hanging out with CM Punk post the show. Hence, I’m grateful for that. CM Punk and me now seem like we’re in a similar phase in life. We’re at a stage where harboring grudges seems pointless. I have a hunch that we’re at this exact point. We also coincidentally met on a plane that morning — he was sitting right behind me, unknown to me. We made some casual conversation. It’s fantastic still being able to socialize despite people trying to stir up baseless controversies. Both of us have matured enough to rise above such petty issues and truly understand what the essence of this business is. It’s all about the journey, the bonds we make, and yes, hopefully making some money.”

Responding to the speculation about his fall out with CM Punk, Booker T clarified: “I’m aware that people were shocked when they witnessed that meeting. But the reality is, CM Punk and I never had any serious disagreements, contrary to what people believed when he was in AEW. But I can affirm that CM Punk and I never had a major fallout. Have I made some comments about CM Punk, especially during his time with the UFC? Yes, I admit. But I don’t recall uttering anything offensive or harsh towards CM Punk. If I’m mistaken, feel free to correct me.”