Booker T – ‘CM Punk & Adam Page’s Drama Could Be A Work’

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On the latest edition of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T discussed his time in TNA, the recent backstage drama between CM Punk & Hangman Page in AEW, whether Punk and Page’s controversy could be a work, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:


On working with Jeff Jarrett in TNA Wrestling: “Speaking of TNA, I want to give Jeff Jarrett props. I want to give Jeff Jarrett big, big props. He was doing an interview with somebody and they were asking him a question about the Main Event Mafia. And he said the Main Event Mafia was the most critical faction in TNA’s history. And they asked him the question, ‘Well, what about Booker T’s role?’ And I think, you know, people try to get clickbait. They look for someone to say something where they can click it and run with it. But Jeff Jarrett, the only thing he said was, ‘Man, Booker T was a huge part of the Main Event Mafia.’ I felt like I was an huge part of it.

“And he said some things that were true as far as WWE at that time — in WWE, it was a run, man. And then coming into TNA, it was like a reset for Booker T. And that’s the way I look at being in TNA, it was like a reset. It was like me trying to totally regear after being on the road all that time. I took a year off and then stepped into TNA. So I just wanted to say I appreciate Jeff Jarrett for pretty much telling it like it was. And the thing is, Jeff and I, I’ve always said during my time in TNA, Jeff and I were always business. Even when we bumped heads a couple of times, it was always business, and that’s what business is. And I want to thank Jeff Jarrett for always since day one when I worked with him in WCW since day one, this dude has always been a businessman. Give that dude a lot of credit, man. A lot of props.”

On whether he thinks CM Punk and Hangman Page are working an angle: “I don’t know, I’m not even going to sit here and speculate on the inner workings of AEW… maybe they are. Maybe they are trying to book an angle. And if they are trying to book an angle, I don’t want to be like many of these shows and delve deep into what they are trying to do, and ‘if they do this, man, this might work with that.’ That ain’t the type of guy I am, you know, I’ll let Disco [Inferno] and those guys [laugh] do the show reviews and whatnot.

“So if it is an angle, just like I tell people about WWE, it’s angles and stuff that’s going on, I say ‘I’m just gonna sit back and watch and see how this thing plays out.’ If it’s not an angle, we’ll know how it plays out within the next six months to a year. Easily, easily, I think. You know what I mean? Because you know, turmoil, when it shows up everybody knows about it. Everybody knows. So we’ll find out if it’s real or if it’s a work. Just sit back and watch the show and enjoy it.”

On Punk’s off-air promo: “Well, you know what, man? I will tell you right now. That’s a shoot promo, okay? And if those guys are working in the same company and the turmoil is there. And if they’re not using it why is it there? Maybe — like I said, I don’t want to delve too far into if this is a work or not. But you know, cutting the promo off the air these days is almost just like cutting a promo on the air because you just got the quote.”

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