Booker T asserts, “Eric Bischoff has let me down.”

Booker T asserts, “Eric Bischoff has let me down.”
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In a recent broadcast of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, Booker T extended the conversation on his issues with the statements Eric Bischoff made during an episode of “Who Killed WCW?” He also touched on the subject of Hulk Hogan’s creative control in WCW along with other related topics.

Take a look at some key points from the podcast here:

Speaking about his win of the WCW World Title at Bash at the Beach and the influence of Hulk Hogan’s creative control, Booker T said: “I discussed various things that had happened in my career, especially my triumphant win of the WCW Championship. Reflecting on it now, the victory could have drastically changed the direction of my career. This was because creative control was exercised the same night I won the World Championship. This could disrupt the flow of things and dramatically alter the narrative of a person’s career and future.”

He further added: “Imagine Hulk Hogan had won the World Title that night. It would have done very little for his already illustrious career. He was already a millionaire, had starred in movies and won world titles multiple times. Would his winning the title have saved WCW from downfall? A moment that was meant for me could have been snatched away.”

In reference to Eric Bischoff’s awareness of the title change, he claimed: “Couple of days prior to the championship, I knew I’d be winning the World Championship. Bischoff and everyone else knew it too. The fact that Bischoff and Hogan were ready to rob me of that moment is disappointing. If I hadn’t won that night, I might have never won the World Heavyweight Championship and simply been forgotten like others in WCW.”

Speaking about his disappointments with Bischoff, he said: “I’ve lost some respect for Eric Bischoff after learning about some stuff. He was ready to follow whatever Hogan said. He should have known better than to belittle me along with others.”

Despite his disappointment, Booker T held some gratitude for Bischoff: “Eric Bischoff contributed a lot to my success in WCW and he compensated me more than fairly when I was in WCW. Still, this doesn’t mean I won’t narrate things as they were. I always believe in being honest.”