On a recent edition of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, two-time WWE Hall of Famer Booker T expressed his support for The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Saggs) to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame.
The WWE NXT announcer said, “I’m lobbying for the Nasty Boys to go into the Hall of Fame. I really believe, truly in my heart, the Nasty Boys deserve a spot inside the WWE Hall of Fame. They put a lot of work in in WCW, in WWE, in WWF. They pretty much did it all. I’m hoping to see my man Knobbs and Saggs inside the Hall of Fame. I would love to see them in the Hall of Fame. My brother and I, we had so many matches with the Nasty Boys. I don’t think our careers would have been what they were without the Nasty Boys. That six-month run alone should get them in the Hall of Fame, as far as I’m concerned. It was a rough six months working with those boys. I remember almost getting into a fight with Saggs. I called a spot, I think I called a dropkick. He stopped right before I did a dropkick and I took a face-plant. I was mad about it. ‘Don’t do that again.’ He goes ‘Ohhhh’ [fakes being scared]. It was crazy [laughs].”
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Booker T Advocates for The Nasty Boys’ Induction into the WWE Hall of Fame
In a recent episode of his “Hall of Fame” podcast, renowned professional wrestler and two-time WWE Hall of Famer, Booker T, expressed his strong support for The Nasty Boys (Brian Knobbs & Jerry Saggs) to be inducted into the prestigious WWE Hall of Fame.
Booker T, who currently serves as an announcer for WWE NXT, passionately stated, “I’m lobbying for the Nasty Boys to go into the Hall of Fame. I really believe, truly in my heart, the Nasty Boys deserve a spot inside the WWE Hall of Fame. They put a lot of work in WCW, in WWE, in WWF. They pretty much did it all.”
The Nasty Boys, known for their rough and aggressive wrestling style, made significant contributions to the world of professional wrestling during their careers. Booker T emphasized their impact by sharing personal experiences, saying, “My brother and I, we had so many matches with the Nasty Boys. I don’t think our careers would have been what they were without the Nasty Boys.”
Booker T also recalled a memorable incident during a match with The Nasty Boys, stating, “That six-month run alone should get them in the Hall of Fame, as far as I’m concerned. It was a rough six months working with those boys. I remember almost getting into a fight with Saggs. I called a spot, I think I called a dropkick. He stopped right before I did a dropkick and I took a face-plant. I was mad about it. ‘Don’t do that again.’ He goes ‘Ohhhh’ [fakes being scared]. It was crazy [laughs].”
The Nasty Boys’ impact on the wrestling industry cannot be understated. They entertained fans with their unique characters and intense in-ring performances, leaving a lasting impression on both WCW and WWE audiences.
Booker T’s endorsement of The Nasty Boys’ induction into the WWE Hall of Fame highlights their contributions to the sport and their influence on his own career. He firmly believes that their accomplishments and the impact they made deserve recognition and celebration.
As fans eagerly await the announcement of the next WWE Hall of Fame class, Booker T’s support for The Nasty Boys adds weight to their potential induction. Whether or not they receive this honor, their legacy as one of the most memorable tag teams in professional wrestling history remains intact.
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