Billy Gunn Uncertain About His Retirement Date, Expresses ‘I Wish I Had Clear Idea’

Billy Gunn Uncertain About His Retirement Date, Expresses ‘I Wish I Had Clear Idea’
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Even at the age of 60, Billy Gunn remains a consistent and active competitor in AEW, showing no signs of slowing down any time soon. Despite an awareness of the inevitable end of his career, Gunn remains steadfastly dedicated to his work with AEW.

On a recent episode of the “Insight” podcast, Gunn spoke about his unclear retirement plans. He made it clear, though, that his contributions are still much appreciated by the AEW fans.

In terms of his physical condition, Gunn said he feels generally well despite some health issues like stress fractures in his back. However, these problems do not majorly hinder his performance.

Recognizing that he may not have the same physical ability as younger athletes like Will Ospreay, Gunn maintains that his ongoing role and the positive crowd reactions confirm his longstanding worth to AEW.

He said, “I wish I knew, I don’t feel too bad…I’m not gonna go out there and go 25 minutes with Will [Ospreay]. But do I still have equity in the company? Can I still bring something? Damn right I can because the minute I step out there those people go nuts and they start saying my name.”

Gunn noted that if the audience ever collectively criticized his presence, he would consider retiring. He added that he takes fewer high-impact falls, as per a conversation with his sons.

He stated, “So as long as I bring value…Yeah, I’ll stay around. There’s no reason I can’t. My kids asked me, did you take a triple powerbomb?…But as long as I can do that, and I feel good and it’s not a struggle… as long as I’m still having fun and doing what I do, and I can bring something to help [then] I’m in, I’m good.”

In 2023, Gunn seemed to indicate retirement when he left his boots in the ring during a Collision episode. But, he made a triumphant comeback by partnering with The Acclaimed at AEW All In 2023 and clinching victory over The House of Black, thereby securing the AEW Trios Championships.