Big Swole Says WWE World Heavyweight Title Is ‘A Participation Ribbon’, More

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In a recent interview with Steve Fall on “The Ten Count” podcast, former AEW wrestler Big Swole weighed in on the recently-reinstated WWE World Heavyweight Championship. She said,

“I feel like this is like a participation, like a ribbon. A participation ribbon you got as a kid for trying. You gave it the old college try. You got one of those purple fifth-place, sixth-place type of thing. That’s kind of what it is.”


In a recent interview with WSI, Nickla “Baby Doll” Roberts addressed the facts surrounding the death of Gino Hernandez from a drug overdose in 1986.

According to Roberts, some of the unexplained elements surrounding Gino’s death made her believe that the fatality was a result of a criminal act.

You can check out some highlights from the interview below:

On her personal belief as to the cause of Hernandez’ death: “I had heard [it was] as massive cocaine overdose. I had also heard that someone had murdered him because of his ties with the mob and that he had owed some money from gambling, and every once in a while, they make an example of people and say, ‘We can take care of him, we can take care of you.’ With the amount of cocaine that was in the autopsy, there was no way someone could ingest that amount of cocaine unless you’re just eating it by the spoonfuls, [and] no one does that.”

On her ultimate conclusions about the tragedy: “I would like to think that he’s somewhere on a beach, drinking a Mai Tai with a pretty girl, that he escaped all of this. But I think that some very bad people made an example out of him, and that they’d had enough.”

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