Big Show Talks New Netflix Show, WrestleMania, WWE Cameos

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Big Show Talks New Netflix Show, WrestleMania, WWE Cameos

Photo Credit: Netflix

Big Show recently sat down with IGN to discuss a myriad of topics ranging from his new Netflix show to WrestleMania. You can see the highlights of the conversation below.

On transitioning into being the main star of a TV show:

I learned really fast about things like how you might think the audience is going to laugh in a certain place and they don’t. Or how the audience might laugh where you least expect it because of the interaction you’re having with your other actors. It forces you to really keep your ears open. The amount of work that goes into this show and its preparation, from the changing of scripts and the rewrites and the switching of jokes – the operational tempo of doing this multi-cam family comedy was great. I loved it. I don’t think I’ve ever worked harder or was more busy, but I also don’t think I’ve had as much fun doing anything else.

On episodes featuring his WWE friends such as Mark Henry, Mick Foley, and Rikishi:

I wanted guys who I had a good relationship with and also guys I knew for a fact were good dads. Rikishi is an amazing father. Mick Foley is an amazing dad and Mark Henry’s my best friend, my dearest friend, and I know what kind of dad he is – he’s an awesome dad as well. What I wanted to do was take these three powerhouse tough guys, with incredible careers, who the fans are used to seeing as their characters on TV, and showcase a completely different look at who they are as fathers and who they are as human beings. I think fans are going to love that episode. I don’t want to give away too much about it, but I know when that episode comes up it’ll be special. It’s one of my favorite episodes.

His thoughts on WrestleMania 36:

I think there’s a responsibility that WWE takes very seriously about protecting the audience and protecting the talent working while also finding an avenue where we can still entertain our fans and deliver the best product we can give. We can’t go to events or socialize in ways we’re used to. What WWE is doing by splitting WrestleMania up over two nights is that it gives families two nights to get together and have a chance to escape and have a chance to enjoy the WWE product. At the same time, I know the medical staff – we’ve received memos – there’s a meeting about WrestleMania before they’re allowed in the building. They’re going to be screened and evaluated by medical personnel. They’re going to make it as safe as possible. And those who don’t feel comfortable in that environment, for whatever reason, don’t have to participate. That’s one thing I love about WWE is that they don’t make you do anything you don’t want to do. You always have an opinion. You always have a chance to speak up. Everyone has to make sacrifices. With patience and perseverance, we’re all going to get through it and be the better for it.

You can read the entire interview here. Let us know what you think about Big Show’s new show in the comments below.