Behind-the-Scenes Updates and Information from WWE RAW on June 24, 2024

Behind-the-Scenes Updates and Information from WWE RAW on June 24, 2024
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The eWrestlingnews portal has recently divulged some insider information pertaining to the recent occurrence of WWE RAW.

Per the detailed chronicle, the lineup for the live USA Network telecast did not include The Wyatt Sicks.

Furthermore, it was noted that WWE executives were particularly stressing on the viewership metrics for the previous Friday’s SmackDown episode. Remarkably, this episode attracted the highest viewership and scored the topmost ratings since the first episode following WrestleMania 40, aired in early April.

In another interesting reveal, Luke Kurtis, who wrestlers for OVW, assumed the role of a security guard for Chad Gable during the recent RAW event. It’s worth noting that Kurtis has earlier made appearances as an extra for both WWE and TNA.

The report also mentioned the use of Deonn Rusman as an additional talent during the same live broadcast.