Becky Lynch Opens Up About Leaving Wrestling at 19 and Her Struggles with Finding Direction

Becky Lynch Opens Up About Leaving Wrestling at 19 and Her Struggles with Finding Direction
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During a recent appearance on the “The MMA Hour” podcast, Becky Lynch discussed pursuing her dream of professional wrestling when she was younger and quitting the industry at 19.

Lynch said, “When I got hurt, I got a concussion. I got a bunch of stitches in my eye. Really I was like, I don’t know what I’m doing with my life and I was 19 years old. I was about to move over to America to do a personal training diploma in Orlando. My goal was, ‘Maybe I can get into TNA’ because the way that they were treating women there was so much better than the way that they were treating women in WWE. So it’s like, ‘I can make a splash there,’ but when I got hurt, and then I felt like I was just all over the place.”

She continued, “I did this bodybuilding competition. My hormones were all out of whack. I was just depressed, I was depressed, I was anxious. I was all over the place. I was lost. I was lost and I didn’t have anyone to guide me. I didn’t have any guidance. Who was going to guide me? My mom didn’t know anything about wrestling. My dad didn’t know anything about wrestling. I didn’t have any role models that were able to take me under their wing and be like, ‘Oh, it’s all gonna be okay,’ you know, because I didn’t know and so I left wrestling for seven years.”

Lynch will challenge Rhea Ripley for the Women’s World Championship next weekend at WWE WrestleMania 40.

Becky Lynch also appeared on the “Under The Ring” podcast to discuss a variety of topics, including why it’s important for her to return to WWE NXT, taking the NXT Women’s Championship from Tiffany Stratton, and more.

You can check out some highlights from the podcast below:

On her experience in returning to NXT: “I loved it. It wasn’t like a thing where I was like, ‘I need to win the NXT Women’s Championship to feel like my career is complete,’ but when the offer was suggested to me, ‘would you go down to NXT and work with these girls?’ I was like, ‘Hell yes.’ When I was in NXT, it always felt like anxiety because I was always worried I would get fired. Going back to NXT, I got to relive it without that fear behind me.”

On the importance of working with NXT talent as a main roster star: “Also, when I was in NXT, we had no girls who had main evented WrestleMania. We had no girls who had main evented any shows, as far as I’m aware. Now, I’m able to go down and help these young stars and show them how I work and what that’s like and hopefully impart a little bit of wisdom. I think that’s important that we do that because that’s how it continues to grow. That’s what every generation of men has always had. Seth Rollins has gotten to work with John Cena and Triple H. It’s cyclical. We learn by working with people who have been where we want to go. That’s important we get in there, get our hands dirty, and show them the ropes. Beat them up a little bit.”

Becky Lynch Opens Up About Her Journey in Professional Wrestling

Becky Lynch, one of the most popular and influential female wrestlers in the world, recently shared her experiences and struggles during a podcast appearance. The former WWE Women’s Champion discussed her early aspirations in the wrestling industry, her decision to leave at a young age, and her triumphant return.

Lynch revealed that she initially pursued her dream of becoming a professional wrestler when she was just 19 years old. She had plans to move to America and train in Orlando, with hopes of joining TNA (Total Nonstop Action Wrestling). At the time, TNA was known for treating women wrestlers better than WWE, which caught Lynch’s attention.

However, her dreams were put on hold when she suffered a concussion and received stitches in her eye. This injury left her feeling lost and unsure about her future. She contemplated quitting wrestling altogether and decided to focus on other endeavors.

During this period, Lynch participated in a bodybuilding competition, which further affected her mental and emotional well-being. Hormonal imbalances, depression, anxiety, and a lack of guidance left her feeling adrift. With no role models or mentors to support her, she made the difficult decision to step away from wrestling for seven years.

But fate had other plans for Lynch. She eventually made a triumphant return to the wrestling industry and became one of its biggest stars. Currently, she is set to challenge Rhea Ripley for the Women’s World Championship at WWE WrestleMania 40.

In addition to her appearance on “The MMA Hour” podcast, Lynch also spoke on the “Under The Ring” podcast. During this interview, she discussed the importance of returning to WWE NXT and working with up-and-coming talent.

Lynch expressed her love for NXT and how it felt like a homecoming for her. She mentioned that during her previous stint in NXT, she always felt anxious about being fired. However, her return allowed her to relive the experience without that fear looming over her.

Furthermore, Lynch emphasized the significance of working with NXT talent as a main roster star. She acknowledged that NXT had never seen a female wrestler main event WrestleMania or any major shows. By going back to NXT, Lynch hopes to impart her wisdom and help the young stars grow and succeed. She believes that learning from those who have achieved what they aspire to is crucial for their development.

Becky Lynch’s journey in professional wrestling is an inspiring tale of perseverance and determination. Despite facing setbacks and feeling lost, she found her way back to the industry she loves and continues to make a significant impact. As she prepares for her upcoming championship match at WrestleMania, fans eagerly await her next chapter in the world of wrestling.