‘Becky Lynch Expresses Surprise at it Being Monday’ Plus, Michael Tarver is Baffled About His WWE Departure

‘Becky Lynch Expresses Surprise at it Being Monday’ Plus, Michael Tarver is Baffled About His WWE Departure
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Professional wrestler Becky Lynch made no appearance in this week’s WWE RAW episode following the recent termination of her contract. However, she did take to Twitter to humorously note that it was yet another Monday, which can be seen in her tweet below:

“Must be Monday.”
– Becky Lynch (@BeckyLynchWWE) June 10, 2024

Separately, former Nexus wrestler Michael Tarver was a guest on the “Developmentally Speaking” podcast. Throughout his appearance, he covered various topics, such as plans for him to become a manager and conditions surrounding his departure from WWE.

Here are some highlights from his discussion:

Concerning the WWE’s intention to transition him into a managing role, he expressed his resentment. He talked about his concerns with Dusty Rhodes, questioning the logic behind having him as a manager when he was more physically imposing than the wrestlers he might be handling. He added, “If I’m large, menacing, have the look and I can talk, why not put me in the ring and just let me be? Put a championship on me, you understand? Give me a promotion, do something with me. But you know, I arrived in the incorrect package.”

Regarding his exit from WWE, he opened up, mentioning, “I understand their reasoning. It was indeed a pretty messed-up situation, which I have never discussed publicly before. They gave me the standard ‘We don’t have anything suitable for you’ response, even though I was receiving compliments on my promos just weeks prior.”

For further details, check out Michael Tarver’s complete discussion in the embedded video.

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