‘Baffling!’ says Batista on WWE’s decision not to reassemble The Hurt Business.

‘Baffling!’ says Batista on WWE’s decision not to reassemble The Hurt Business.
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Previously, we reported that MVP utilized Instagram to address queries from his followers about the non-reappearance of The Hurt Business. This was a substantial change in his communication method from the traditional press release or interview.

MVP came across as suggesting that his perception of Triple H’s actions was clouded by prejudiced motives. When a follower ignited the conversation surrounding a promotional talk Triple H had with Booker T back in 2003 – a conversation where Triple H implied that individuals like Booker T were only there for his amusement and not for championship ambitions – MVP replied, using graphic representation in the form of a 100% emoji.

However, MVP isn’t alone in this sentiment. Batista voiced his confusion on Twitter, expressing his perspective about The Hurt Business’ stagnant state. He says

“They missed a golden opportunity with that. It leaves me baffled!”.

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