Backstage Chaos in WCW Attributed to Absence of Leadership by Madusa

Backstage Chaos in WCW Attributed to Absence of Leadership by Madusa
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During a recent episode of Busted Open Radio, WWE Hall of Famer and former wrestling powerhouse, Madusa (known as Alundra Blayze in her fighting days), cited an absence of strong leadership as a contributing factor to the issues that plagued the final moments of World Championship Wrestling (WCW).

Madusa reflected on the backstage mayhem, saying,

There was a significant amount of disgruntled talent at the time. Some folks labelled Goldberg as neurotic, while others dubbed Nash and Hall as obnoxiously egotistical. Some aimed harsh criticisms at Bischoff’s managerial skills, while Vince Russo was often referred to as an eccentric oddball. The combination of these factors, coupled with a glaring lack of coordination or leadership, signalled a complete leadership void. Consequently, this led to unfulfilled promises and ultimately, the person at the helm, in this case Eric [Bischoff], received a lot of criticism.

VICE TV’s docu-series, Who Killed WCW?, gives a detailed recounting of the rise and subsequent decline of WCW. The series final episode was scheduled for airing on Tuesday, June 25.